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Lager is a beer that is made and aged at a low temperature. [1] Lagers come in a variety of colors, including light, amber, and dark. The most extensively consumed and commercially available beer style is pale lager. Lager is derived from the German word “storage,” as the beer was historically preserved before consumption in the same chilly caverns where it was produced.

Most lager beers are characterised by the use of Saccharomyces pastorianus, a “bottom-fermenting” yeast that ferments at relatively low temperatures, in addition to cold storage. Beer brewed with bottom-fermenting yeast is referred to as lager. Lagers are distinct from ales, which are top-fermented British beers.

The roots of bottom-fermented lagers can be traced back to continental Europe. In 1420, a bottom-fermentation procedure was introduced in Germany, so named because the yeast tended to sink to the bottom of the brewing vessel; previously, the type of yeast used tended to climb to the top of the fermenting product and was either allowed to overflow or manually skimmed. Brewing was a winter activity, and throughout the summer, ice was utilized to keep the beer cool. Lager (from the German lagern, “to store”) was the name given to this type of beer. Lager beers may be brewed in the summer thanks to the introduction of refrigeration equipment in the late 1800s.